This is Brennan Ison here, making another blog. I know you all have been desperate for me to make another one, so here it is!
I have been chosen to be the "Voice of the Cougars" !
The "Voice of the Cougars" is the announcer for the Cougars JV Football games for the Middle School.
I show up at Cougar Stadium a few minutes early and take my seat and get my headphones on to block out any echos. I sit in the "press box" but I like calling it the "voice box". My dad comes with me and we wear our Morgan County Football shirts!!
Wen I am ready to start announcing, here is my opening statement: "Hey all you Cool Cats, this is your man main on the microphone, Brennan Ison. Coming to you LIVE from the voice box here at Cougar Stadium. Lets hope we have a great game today and win. But we all know winning isn't everything, so lets just have a clean good game and hope no one gets hurt". Some of the other things I say are "Lets hear it for these cheerleaders. Great job ladies", also "visit the snack bar for some good treats", "Go get yourself a wold famous hot dog at the snack bar, they are better than the ones in Chicago". I also call plays during the game.
It's not easy keeping up with the updates the game has because I am not a fast talker, because sometimes my tongue gets in a twist. It echos up there a lot and it's hard to not listen to myself come back into my ears. That is why I wear headphones so I can concentrate on the words. My dad helps me get the plays right.
During halftime, I go to the concession stand and get nachos or a hot dog or a Kit Kat. I see a lot of my friends as I go to the concession stand and everyone says "Hi Brennan. You did a good job".
When I am at school, and my friends tell me "I heard you at the game. You did a good job", it makes me feel a little bit like a celebrity. I enjoy being the "voice of the cougars". You should come out and see the game and listen to me call it. I hope that in the future, I will probably become a famous voice of the cougars microphone talker and probably end up in the history books.
Though it's not my goal to become like that, I just think that maybe if I do a really good job, I might become famous all around our town.
Go Cougars!
Until next time,
Your Blogger, Brennan