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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Casey Jones my dog

I really wanted a dog. One day when me and daddy were playing with the dogs. I saw one kind of dog that was black and white and had blue eyes. When me and my mommy were in Lexington going to watch a movie called Despicible Me, we were thinking of going to the pet store and then we were thinking what we should name a dog. Then soon I had an idea, I said Casey Jones and then we decided to name our dog Casey. When there was a rain storm, we saw a package, when we opened it, there was my dog I wanted. I said, Casey, welcome to your new home. We saved her life from the shelter and now she is my dog for ever.

My dog is a bit crazy. Every time I call her like this, "Casey, (whistle) (clap)" she comes really fast. And when I run, she speeds up. She's really fast. She likes to jump on my brother and bite him on his diaper. I hope Casey doesn't eat his diaper. That would be so gross. When Casey gets happy to see us, she pees everywhere. She peed on my foot one time. It was so gross. I had to wash my foot and my shoes.

Casey likes to eat dog food. The usual. But she also likes to eat leftovers and dog treats and the grossest thing of all, pigs ears! Thats all.

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