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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Poems of Christmas

Day 1, Herbie "the elf" arrives, be on your best behavior and tell no lies.

Day 2, don't be blue, Santa will come, just for you!

Day 3, it's gotta be, the best day for you and me!

Day 4, kicking at the door, Santa will bring what I'm looking for.

Day 5 for my friend Joe, we are looking for lots of snow.

In the kitchen on day 6, we are fixin' up some cookie mix.

Christmas time on Day 7, the real reason is up in heaven.

Day 8, it's slowing down, Santa will be here in Christmas town.

Day 9, feeling fine, on top of the tree is a great big shine!

Day 10 has just begun, Christmas fun for everyone.

Santa is getting near, Day 11 brings lots of cheer.

Candy Candy everywhere, on Day 12 there is joy in the air.

It's not unlucky #13 because our star brings lots of glean.

Day 14, eleven days left, bring in the tree with lots of heft.

Cookie and cakes by the tree, on Day 15, treats for you and me.

Day 16, stringing the lights, there's lots of stuff, it's very nice.

Day 17, Christmas is getting closer, I know this because it's on my poster.

Day 18 making Reindeer food, every day closer, gets me in the mood.

Excitement on Day 19 is in the air, look out the window, we're almost there!

Visiting family on Day 20, I sure hope my grandma has lots of money!

Day 21, it's getting near, when Santa comes, have no fear.

Day 22 has just begun, your holiday cheer is going to be fun.

2 days left on Day 23, we will open our presents under the tree.

1 day left on the 24, Christmas presents have lots of galore.

Here it is, Christmas Day has not arrived ~~ Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night and go out of sight. (that means go to bed)

This is a Christmas Advent poem written by Brennan Layne Ison.

I hope you enjoy my poems.

I hope Santa bring you everything you wished for.

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