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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My views of the Titanic

Hello Blog readers:

I'm very interested in the Titanic. So I decided that it needs to be raised! I have already started a petition at school and brought it to all the kids in class, even my Principal. Here is my idea of how to raise the Titanic.

1. We will have to attach air pontoons to the Titanic's hull and the other parts of it.

2. We have to press a red button on a remote in order to make them inflate. This will be located on the off shore of New York on a large ship.

3. We will attach ropes to tug boats and put steel metal plates to the scrapes. The scrapes were made from the iceberg. Some people thing the ice berg punched a hole in the side, but it made scrapes. It allowed enough water to enter the Titanic to make it sink. We will tow the ship to the ship repair yard in New York.

The second smoke stack of the Titanic fell off into the water because it was different from all of the other smoke stacks. It was angled differently. The Titanic was ready to break apart when it reached 30 degrees. The weight of all the people standing in the back caused the Titanic to break apart. A huge crack caused this kind of thing. People were standing in the back because they didn't want to fall in the water and drown. April 14, the Titanic was hit by the iceberg, but it didn't sink until April 15 when there was enough water to pull down the Titanic.

My mom thinks it's not a good idea to raise the Titanic because there are lots of people still down there. Here's a word from my mom:

Hello blog readers, this is Brennan's mom. I think it would be REALLY neat to raise the Titanic to get artifacts and see what stuff is down there. I would like to go to see all of it in a museum. However, I feel that the Titanic should be left alone because there are human remains down there. I think we should let these people stay where they are and leave them alone. Back to Brennan...

My mom is so jealous about that. Here is my idea of what we should do with those people... get them out of the Titanic and dump them back to where they were. That way, no one will get creeped out by them. Dead bodies are kind of creepy so no one wants to be around them or smell their stench.

I'm going to work on more ships. There are ships called the Six Sisters. They all sank on different days and are all big important ships. Titanic is one of them. There are five left that I am going to raise.

See you later. I'll tell you more later about the other 5 sisters.

Signed by Brennan and his mom.

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