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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lego Train Coach

One Saturday afternoon in January, I got on the Lego website to play. I discovered that I could design my own Lego project. I decided to make a Lego dining car for a train. I got to work!

I had a little help from my mom, so if I had any errors she could fix them and then I could get back to work. The dining car was a lot of work, but I managed to make it. It took me a couple of hours to do. After I got the car looking like I wanted it, I then got my parents in the room and they saw it. We noticed that we could purchase the dining car that I made. So my mom helped me look in to doing that. Also, the website allowed me to create my own box. I put the dining car on the front. I added 4 minifigs and it was perfect picture. I got to design the front and the back of the box. It also will come with instructions for putting it all together.

It takes 15 days for the package to get here. This was my first creation that I designed and bought from Lego. I can't wait until it comes!! Toot toot... All aboard!

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