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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Hello there you blog lovers.  I'm Brennan Ison and I am so excited about this Thanksgiving.  Most of the time we usually go to Thanksgiving in Florida or Michigan, but not this year.  We don't have enough time to go this year.  SO, we are going to have Thanksgiving in Kentucky with my grandparents.

On Thanksgiving Day we get up and watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade.  (My mom really wants to go to New York sometime and watch it in person from a warm hotel room).  After the parade then the dog show comes on!  I'm really looking forward to all these shows.  While we are watching these shows, my mom is in the kitchen cooking up a big turkey!  This year she is going to make turkey, potatoes, stuffing and rolls!  My grandmother is going to make the rest.

Once dinner is ready we then sit down and say the Blessing.  We then EAT THE FEAST and THE BEAST!   My favorite thing to eat is the rolls.  Yum Yum.

Thanksgiving is a good time for giving thanks to each other.  It's about friends and neighbors time.  Its about a meaningful life that we have.  It's a time to thank God for protecting us and providing us with all the things we need.

Well, I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving this week.

P.S.  The best part of this whole week is NO SCHOOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!

From your top blogger,


Sunday, November 11, 2012

4.3 earthquake in Kentucky

Did you feel it?  Did you hear it?  Did you see it?  Well I certainly didn't.

A 4.3 earthquake hit Kentucky which was the 2nd largest earthquake in the state.  The largest was in 1980 and it was a 5.2 magnitude that hit in Bath County.  My dad was 10 years old at that time.  He says that one sounded like a jet breaking the sound barrier.  Just like now, I am 10 years old and the earthquake struck in 2012.

I was outside.  We were cleaning out the garage and putting things back in.  My mom came outside and said "We are having an earth quake".  Her insides were shaking and she was getting thousands of text messages on her phone.  My dad said that he heard a loud rumbling sound but thought it was a bulldozer on our street. When my  mom told me what the magnitude was, I FLIPPED OUT!  I could not believe my ears.  I didn't know that an earthquake hit here.  I didn't feel a thing.  My mom said she heard the house shake and heard the windows creaking.  She says that usually happens when the wind was blowing hard.  She looked outside for the wind, but saw no wind and that's how she knew it was an earthquake!

Let me know if you felt the earthquake and tell me where you were and what happened!

Sincerely your best blogger friend,

Happy Shaking

Monday, October 29, 2012


I'm SO excited ab out the snow coming today.  I am really looking forward to this snow.  I hope it comes.  The hurricane and the cold winds are going to collide which will cause a tremendous wind storm of snow for Kentucky!  I am really excited about the snow.  I just hope it comes.

From your blogger,  Brennan.

Monday, September 17, 2012

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID (The Third Wheel)

Hello my blog fans!

You know in my old blogs, one about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid collection that I wanted, did you know that there is a new one coming out, it's called Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the Third Wheel.  I am going to attempt to get this book and read it.  You thought that Cabin Fever was the only new book that I had, but you were wrong.  There is another new book coming out about Greg Hefley.  Each time there is a new book out, I will attempt to get it and read it.  It will be a big job, but it will be fun and I think funny too.

There are lots of new books coming out and I will attempt to get them.  I read two books by James Patterson that were something like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but a bit different.  My mom wants me to read a book called Frindle, but I don't want to read it.  I'm just not into those kinds of books.

Back to Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  Anyway, I'm sort of thinking of getting that new book.  I am going to put it on my Christmas list.  I hope my parents get enough money, otherwise I'm not going to be happy with them.  (mom, you better get it, otherwise I am going to be one upset kid.  Got it?)  Anyway, back to my book thing.  I just hope that I can get that book and I wonder how it's going to go.  I'm going to have to wait until Christmas.  This book doesn't come out until November anyway.

Peace out bloggers

P.S.  I will write another blog soon.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Life in 5th Grade.

On the first day of 5th grade, I was a little nervous but I was anxious to see what it was like.  I have a new back pack, school supplies, binder & lunch box that my mom bought me.  My backpack is spikey and orange and so is my lunch box.  I started with a blue binder, but it got torn up already, so my mom bought me another new one that is orange.

My homeroom teacher's name is Mrs. Day.  She runs the 5th grade class.  She is very nice and sweet.  When I went to the classroom, I was very calm and okay.  When we started 5th grade, we got our books, I got out my workbook and we got to work.  Then we went to computer class.  We worked until it was time for Mrs. Jones.  We have our 5th grade classes in the purple pod.  We have three 5th grade classes.  Math, Reading & Social Studies.  Mrs. Jones is the reading teacher.  Mrs. Hammonds, who was my 3rd and 4th grade teacher, is the social studies teacher and Mrs. Day is the math teacher.  After we did Mrs. Jones class, we went in line and went to see Mrs. Hammonds.  Right in the middle of Mrs. Hammonds' class, was lunch time. I had a good time at lunch.  I get to eat good food.  My favorite lunch at school is pizza, mac & cheese, corn dog, hot dog & chocolate milk. And a grilled cheese and chicken patties.

We returned to Mrs. Hammonds' class and after that back to Mrs. Day's class.    On Thursdays we have computer class.  We did work in Mrs. Days' class and then we waited, got stuff in our backpacks and went home.  I have a good time in 5th Grade.

Mrs. Day has jobs for us each week.  Here are the jobs, custodian, librarian, messenger, computer man (or woman).  Those are the only jobs I know.  Some of the kids in my class are Kennedy, Kaley & Allen.  They are my closest friends.  John isn't in my class, he goes to another school, but he is my 4th good friend.

I had a good time on my first day of 5th grade. The other days have been a little tougher after that but I got through them.  My mom is going to get me a math tutor soon because I try very hard to get through math which is my worst subject.  My favorite subject is science, but we haven't started that yet.  So each day on tutor day, my tutor will help me with all the math things that I did not finish or that I need to do.

The 5th grade students have been selling candy and popcorn as a fundraiser during snack time for field trips. I am the advertiser for the popcorn and the seller and bag opener for the popcorn.  As the advertiser, I say things about the popcorn and try to get people to buy it.  To make them think that popcorn is cool so they will buy it.  This will help us get money for our field trips.

I will make more blogs along the way.  Trust me.  You know, sometimes how long you have been waiting for a new one, I sometimes fall behind.  I promise I will make more blogs.  Just wait.

This is from your blog pal, Brennan.  Your blogger.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Old Robinson Estate

On a nice summer morning, little Jimmy Thomason was going to his grandmothers house.  She lived just a few streets over and his parents allowed him to go by himself if he stayed on the sidewalk.  His parents were going on vacation to Hawaii and he was staying with her until they got back home.  It was a really hot day and he was hoping that his grandmother had made her famous lemonade.   As he was thinking about this delicious lemonade, he passed the “Old Robinson Estate”.  The family passed away about 50 years ago and their ghosts are said to haunt the house.  There was a robbery at their house and they along with their pets were killed by the robbers.  No one ever went into the house after that fateful day.  The grass was tall and brown from the heat.  Even though the family that lived there were kind and kept the place beautiful, you could not tell it by the way it looks today. Jimmy never liked the looks of the house and didn’t like to be around it.  When he got close, Jimmy ran past the estate and suddenly a sharp pain hit his leg.  He fell to the ground and knew right away what had happened.  He looked at his leg and saw the evidence.  A bee’s stinger sticking out.  He quickly pulled the stinger out, reached into this backpack for his EpiPen and injected the medicine into his leg.  Soon the swelling went down.  He quickly arrived at his grandmother’s house where she had ice cold lemonade waiting for him.  As he walked in the door, he told his grandmother that he got stung by a bee.  She glanced down and saw that his leg looked back to normal.  She said she was proud of him for being so brave and taking care of himself so well.

Coming in to the kitchen, Jimmy sat down and asked his grandmother about the story of the Estate.  He had heard it before, but wanted to hear it again.  As she told the story, she added one new detail!  She said that their fortune still lies in the attic because of the spirits still trapped in the house.  His grandmother told him not to go into the attic and she also told him that this house was built over a gravesite.  A cemetery that sank into the ground many years ago.  She mentioned that a group of construction workers were going to tear down the house and make a new mini-mall.  Jimmy thought that would be a great idea since he didn’t like the looks of the place. 

That night after Jimmy went to bed at his grandmothe’rs house, he thought about the Old Robinson Estate and what his grandmother had said.  He was so glad that it was going to be torn down, but wait!  What about the new detail that his grandmother told him today about the fortune still in the attic!  He got up out of bed to ask his grandmother one question.  When he crept down the stairs, his grandmother was sitting on the front porch.  Jimmy went to join her and ask her about the fortune.  He asked, “Can I go to the house and look for the fortune in the attic”.  His grandmother said “Jimmy, you are always so afraid of that place.  Are you sure you can take on the house before it’s torn down?”  Jimmy answered “Yes.  I’m brave enough”.  Grandmother replied “Well, you need to be extra careful.  I don’t want anything happening while you parents are away.”  Jimmy decided that he would go tonight!   He knew that he was scared, but he had no time to waste. 

Jimmy put on the same clothes that he wore earlier.  Down the steps he went, kissing his grandmother on the cheek.  He grabbed the red wagon that was sitting in the yard just in case the fortune was in a safe. 

Jimmy went through his grandmother’s gate and turned right.  Heading directly to the Estate on that hot night.  As he approached the Estate he had second thoughts.  One, he could go inside and grab the fortune, but what if there was no fortune.  What if it was all just a story.  Two, he could turn and go back to the safety of his own bed.  He flipped a coin, heads go get the fortune, tails he would head home.  After the coin flip, and putting his fear aside, he headed up the sidewalk to the front gates of the Estate.  The gates were large and heavy and creaked as Jimmy opened them.  Fortunately the gates weren’t locked!  As he walked up the front walk, he noticed a ladder leaning against the brick wall.  Now he knew how the robbers got into the Estate.  Slowly in fear, he went up the steps and to the front door.  The house seemed sad.  Maybe it was sad that the good family who lived there, passed away inside.  He pictured before the robbery took place, the house was happy and strong as the family lived on.  As Jimmy opened the door, he heard the floorboards creak under his feet, which made him shiver.  Suddenly, he heard a mysterious noise.  He quickly realized it was just the wind wailing through the windows.  After investigating the hallway, he found the attic door.  Jimmy opened the door and found a never ending stairwell.  Jimmy knew it was going to take a long time to get to the attic.  It was hard to pull the wagon up the stairs and he knew that it was going to be even more difficult to bring it down. 

By the time he reached the top of the stairs, he saw a safe. The safe said “Property of Robinson’s”.  Jimmy found a piece of paper with the combination.  He put the numbers in the safe and it opened right up with a creak.  Then he saw a bag with a “$” symbol.  He quickly grabbed the bag, and realized that he didn’t need the wagon.  He could make it out of the house even quicker.   As he turned to go downstairs, he stepped on a shovel which flung a ball into the hair and hit a hornets nest.  As he was going down the stairs, he felt something sharp hit his arm, then he heard it.  The buzzing.  He ran as fast as he could out the front door, the hornets stopped chasing him and went back to their nest.  When Jimmy reached down to his pants to get his EpiPen, the pen was gone.  He looked around and saw it on the stairs.  But by this time, he was so weak and frightened that he would get stung again he couldn’t get the pen.   As he lay on the dusty couch, he then saw a white figure walk toward him holding his pen.  Then the white figure put the pen into Jimmy’s hand and said “I believe this belongs to you” and the figure disappeared.  Vanished into thin air.  Jimmy injected the medicine into his leg.  He lay there for a few more minutes thinking about what had happened.  He went back to grandma’s house and showed his grandmother the fortune and told her the story.

Three days later, he told the press about his experience in that house and the construction was halted and they decided to build the mini mall somewhere else.

Jimmy was happy because he knew the people who lived in the house were still living their today.  They were good ghosts and he knew there was nothing to fear at the Old Robinson Estate any more.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book Collection

Hello, It's Brennan again.  

I just want to talk about my Diary of a Wimpy Kid book collection.  The reason why I got it is that I think that Diary of a Wimpy Kid is really funny. I've watched both movies and I wanted to read all the books.  There are 5 books in the box and there is a 6th book called Cabin Fever that's not in the box.  I got these for Christmas because I could buy them with my allowance because my allowance was too small and the price of the books was too high.  

Let me tell you what books there are:
1.  Diary of a Wimpy Kid
2.  Diary of a Wimpy Kid Roderick Rules
3.  The Last Straw
4.  Dog Days
5.  The Ugly Truth
6.  Cabin Fever

There are more coming soon.  I can't wait to get the new ones.  I think they are going to be even more funny than the first ones.  I read all 6 books by the end of of February.  They were great.

My favorite book was The Last Straw because kids made farting sounds and one kid grabbed a tuba and blew it and made a giant fart noise and that made me laugh.

In conclusion, I just want to say that I like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and I think the next books are going to be even funnier with more laughs.  I'll tell you about them after they come out.  


Brennan.... your blogging friend.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


If you look at the sky on May 20th, you will see in the nighttime that there will be an eclipse of the moon.  Do you think it will hurt our eyes to look at it in the dark?  I think it won't because there won't be enough light, you know.  I think it will be safe for our eyes.  

I've never seen an eclipse before but I hope I remember to look that day.  Someone needs to invent solar eclipse glasses to protect our eyes from the solar eclipse's rays.  I put it on my calendar to remind me of what day the eclipse will be on.

An eclipse is what happens when the moon gets in front of the sun and creates a shadow on the earth.  I just know this information, not sure how I do, it's a science thing.  I hope you get to see the eclipse on May 20th.  Tell me if you video taped it and put it on so that we can watch it.


Brennan aka Blog Master


What a rip off.  No eclipse. 


If you looked at the sky on May 5, 2012 (which was actually 4 days ago) the moon was the biggest and brightest you've ever seen. I took a picture of the moon that night when was having family movie night. The moon looked like a tiny dot, it was very far away. If you had a telescope it would have looked much bigger. The moon's orbit is an oval shape and it was at its closest turn to earth and it was facing the United States. They called it a Super moon because it was very close to earth. The moons orbit is because of earth's gravitational pull. Earth's gravity must have gotten stronger to pull the moon closer to the earth, but not too close or the moon would then fall to earth and then collapse in on you and destroy every living thing on the planet. All that would be left is the inner and outer core and the crust. There would just be a giant hole of debris. I don't think the earth would be knocked out of its orbit because the sun has a strong gravitational pull on the earth. The earth won't go any further to the sun because the sun's gravitational pull is very stable and stays that way.  I hope you saw the moon's fantastic close encounter.  Please type to me if you saw the moon outside that night.

From, Brennan Ison,
Blog Master

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tornado outbreak! O.M.G.

Oh my gosh guys! A tornado hit West Liberty Ky on March 2, 2012! They say the ratings were up to an F4 or F5. They say the destruction is so bad that there is nothing but debris on Main Street and the top of the clock tower is completely gone. I mean, it's like clean off!

Let me start at the beginning.... On February 29, 2012 there was an F2 tornado near our school. I was in class when it happened. We had a tornado drill and all the girls were freaked out. We were in reading class then. So we went into the hallways for the tornado drill. I thought it was just a drill, but then I noticed it was the real thing. So then we went to the green pod, in an old empty Kindergarten room. We hid under tables and I hid in the cubby next to Casey. Ms. Amanda said that I should go over to the girls. Then I thought of getting them pillows and I put them on the girls. Then they put the pillows behind their heads. I was singing a song to the girls to make them feel better. But I did put in a few words in the song that kind of freaked them out.... oops.

~ March 2, 2012

Two days after the F2 tornado hit near our school, another tornado was on the way, you know the F4 & F5 were the ones. I was surprised when I thought there were going to be no tornadoes in Eastern Kentucky. Only the southern part get those. I didn't think a tornado would hit here. It's like Tornado Alley shifted and it swallowed up half of Kentucky. If only Reed Timmer (storm chaser who lives in Oklahoma in tornado alley) were here, he would be able to measure the scales of these two tornadoes. Actually, make that 3 if you count the F2 tornado. Reed is a successful storm chaser who spends most of his time chasing storms. He has a lot of equipment that helps him detect the storms readings. He would be surprised from our tornadoes readings! He drives a vehicle call the "DOMINATOR"! (it looks like a big red shoe) Anyway, back to the chase... if he were here he would protect our lives and let us know what we need to do in a tornado.

Now, on to 964 Dogwood Lane, March 2, 2012 We had to get to the basement. We got everything, flashlights and candles and it was Friday. It was Family Movie Night time. We got our movie players out and charged them up so then we could watch Family Movie Night. We got two movies, "The Ant Bully" and "Everyone's Hero". But enough of that, let's get back to the tornado.... while we were in the basement, lights went off and the sky got dark and the trees started to sway. You know Casey and Dora my dog and cat from my other blogs right? My pets curled up under some outside furniture so then they were safe from any debris hitting them. (Meanwhile, back in the basement...) we were all ready to go to sleep. We were done watching our movies and we had plenty of food and water. I didn't know the scale of the tornadoes but then I found them out the next day. I didn't know what was happening but I was being very brave. We got on the mattresses and fell asleep.

The next morning, we found out that the electricity was still out and we didn't have TV for 6 days. (it was a very boring 6 days) In the morning, my mom took me and my brother to Morehead to buy supplies. We got ourselves a big generator for the office and a chain saw and lots of batteries and water! As we came back to West Liberty, we saw that there was security on the county lines. Mom had to show that she was an insurance woman and that's when we went through West Liberty.

The first damage I saw was the Methodist Church, this was my church. We go to it every Sunday (usually). It's steeple toppled over near the road. Luckily it didn't hit anyone. Then the movie theater, it was barely damaged, because it's located underneath. You know about the clock tower don't you. Commercial Bank was destroyed too. Some of it's iron steel beams were twisted inside. The whole town looked like a bomb went off in the center. Old Mill Park was damaged too. There was a big flood of the Licking River. Some of the park was swallowed up by the water. I'm sure it's gone down by now, right? In 2013 all of this will be gone. That is one year from now. When I saw the damage for the first time, I felt like everyone I knew and loved was dead, but they weren't. It made me sad, but I didn't cry. It felt like I was crying from the inside. The entire city was my heart and it was shattered. I couldn't believe this. I didn't think something like this would ever happen. I thought our town would always stay the same.... but it didn't. I hope to make new memories from our new town.

I hope you tell your kids about this when you are old and make sure you hold some of the evidence of the tornado damage. People from the Methodist Church are collecting glass from the broken windows to remember our old church and to remember the day that came. I hope you have a piece too and make sure you tell your kids and make them tell their kids and tell this story for generations to come.

Right now for the next few weeks, we must be thankful that we are not hurt. Everyone should work together as a team and make sure our community is like it was in the past. We shall work together to rebuild ourselves. To rebuild our love that we had for the City and make sure we don't waste it and make sure that we save it for the generations to come and remember the people who lost their homes and their lives. God's hand will always protect us from the evils of the wind that came to us but we can fix everything that we have. As long as we work together in love.

We will always love West Liberty.

P.S. CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~~Another blog from Brennan..... I'll write more soon!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Dear Fans, I have an important message for you....


Did you know that you can get cancer by smoking and you will have to go to the surgeon and get all the cancer out. He will have to cut you open and get the pitch blackness out of your body.

Your lungs will shrivel up. You will be not able to breathe and you will certainly die if you do.

My mom and my Mimi took me to Bodies the Exhibition. At that exibit we saw what happens when you smoke. We saw blackness on ACTUAL human lungs. It was GROSS!

Also, smoking stinks. It's polluting our air and when we are close to somebody that smokes, we take in that smoke that they smoke too, and we end up with the same thing they have.... cancer.

There is so much information about smoking that I can't understand why people still smoke. Maybe it's just a hobby. But it's a gross hobby and you should NEVER do it!

Always be part of the red ribbon. It means I don't do drugs and smoking is the grossest thing in the universe. Are you going to stop now from this day forth? Let me know if you do!

Brennan (a non smoker forever and his family too)

Lego Train Coach

One Saturday afternoon in January, I got on the Lego website to play. I discovered that I could design my own Lego project. I decided to make a Lego dining car for a train. I got to work!

I had a little help from my mom, so if I had any errors she could fix them and then I could get back to work. The dining car was a lot of work, but I managed to make it. It took me a couple of hours to do. After I got the car looking like I wanted it, I then got my parents in the room and they saw it. We noticed that we could purchase the dining car that I made. So my mom helped me look in to doing that. Also, the website allowed me to create my own box. I put the dining car on the front. I added 4 minifigs and it was perfect picture. I got to design the front and the back of the box. It also will come with instructions for putting it all together.

It takes 15 days for the package to get here. This was my first creation that I designed and bought from Lego. I can't wait until it comes!! Toot toot... All aboard!